1 thing you need on all travels: Lavender hydrolate

Maybe you haven’t even heard of that thing – but I claim lavender hydrolate is something that should be with you on your trips, always and ever. Why, you ask? It is super-helpful with literally all of the skin trouble – no matter whether your skin is dry, greasy, old or sunburnt. It also has very positive, regenerating influence on the under-skin tissue. Laventer hydrolate repairs the skin and works against itching. Because it helps skin to regenerate, it’s useful also after shaving, to treat small cuts and burns. But it’s not just for the skin: you can use it on the headache area to reduce the headaches, as well as smell it to reduse stress, calm down, and regenerate.

Lavender field
Lavender field

The history of Lavender hydrolate use

I know it may sound like a bit of a one-thing-for-all cure, but in the past 25 thousand years of evolution and with humans living in the nature and without chemicals that we put on our skin for the last 60 years, our bodies actually adapted to get a huge value from certain natural substances, and lavender is one of them – and that is scientifically proven.

Hydrolate of lavender is a side-product of steam destillation of lavander, in which the aromatic substances that can dissolve in the water, are dissolved. Lavender hydrolate functions as an analgetic, antivirus, bacteriocide, and stimulant. Being composed of alcohols (in a relatively high amount, up to beyond 50%) and other substances. It is used by humans already since the aincient times.

Lavender was in the aincient times used for the creation of different cosmetics for bathing and as a parfume. Actually, the name “lavender” originates from the latin word “lavare”, which means “to wash”. In the times of Romans, lavender used to be one of the most praised and expensive plants due to it’s many uses and positive effects on the human body and joy to which it’s usage contributed. And we all know that Romans knew a thing or two about joy.

Lavender hydrolate is universally useful, perfect for travel.
Lavender hydrolate is universally useful, perfect for travel.

Why do I use Lavender hydrolate on my travels?

  • use it on the face to moisturize my skin and make me feel good (especially good on long warm bus trips, or when in an artificially heated room which dries out skin)
  • to treat small cuts and skin irregularities
  • I use it when I get sunburnt
  • perfect to treat insect bites
  • mouth wash: washes away bad smell, and even helps with inflamed throat or gums
  • no matter where you use it, with it’s pleasant smell is works a bit like a parfume
  • usually doesn’t happen, but I could use it for the bath
  • works as a hygienic substance: it should be even effective against fleas – even though I didn’t test, it feels reassuring to know it.
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And guess what, it’s 100% natural. Just water and lavender. And a bit of boiling. ๐Ÿ™‚

Now try to list all of the products you should buy at the pharmacy for those purposes. How would you fit them in hand luggage liquid limits? Well, could you fit them in hand luggage at all? ๐Ÿ™‚

Some people may thing of me as a bit atypical, as I don’t carry a bunch of cosmetics, pills, and chemical stuff that are according to some “supposed to be in the bag of every woman” with me on my travels. But what I do carry with me is the lavender hydrolate – a small bottle of 50 mililiters is something you can carry in hand luggage and replaces a whole bag of modern cosmetics. It’s been proven over thousands of years to function better than many of the creams and substances and whatever is being sold to us today. It’s just not present out there on the mass media, because if it was, a bunch of other products would probably die out – because everyone would carry a bit of lavender hydrolate with them. Like I do today. And I really suggest you, to do it as well.

Let me know your experience with the lavender hydrolate in the comments below.

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1 thing you need on all travels: Lavender Hydrolate 1 thing you need on all travels: Lavender Hydrolate


Author: Urska

Urลกka is working in AgTech startup and love to spend time outside in nature. She like to do outdoor sport such as hiking, running, and swimming in the sea. Her biggest wish is to travel the world to explore new cultures and try out all the delicious fruits mother nature has to offer.

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16 thoughts on “1 thing you need on all travels: Lavender hydrolate”

    • Hi Sarah, thank you! Yes, you should Lavender hydrolat save me at least hundred times ๐Ÿ™‚ from the inconvenience when traveling and also on weekend trips – those bees and mosquitoes.

    • Hi Shona, sure you can also use lavender oil instead of hydrolate (not in all cases!). What is great about lavender oil is that, apart from many other essential oils, you can use it directly on the skin undiluted.

    • Hi Reagan, I buy it in local organic shop. I prefer organic over conventional since I use it for so many different occasion and in most cases directly on my skin.

    • Thank you! Yes coconut oil is great too, personally I don’t use it on travels but more when I am at home, so maybe one day I make a post about that ๐Ÿ˜€

  • My sister loves natural products – she’s always buying and making-up concoctions for all different ailments. In 2003 my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer; she got all the usual treatments, mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy but my sister made up this concoction that she called the ‘jollop’ ( I can’t remember what was in it but it was plants and stuff – a big list). Anyway, after the treatment, the doctors discovered another tumor – they said it wasn’t an aggressive tumor and that it was probably best to monitor it for the time-being rather than operate so soon after all the treatment for the first tumor. My sister still gave her the ‘jollop’ though – 6 weeks later at her check up the doctor’s discovered that the tumor was gone. True story. It was me who took her to the hospital that day. I will need to tell my sister about Lavender hydrolate.

    • Sorry to hear about your mom Raymond, but what an inspiring story! I heard that hemp oil helps against cancer – it’s forbidden in most countries, although a lot of people heal themselfs with 1-2 oil drops per day, and food off course. Food plays very important role in disease outbreaks. Personally I also prefer natural products and seeking for an alternative way to heal myself. And thank you for spreading the word – I think your sister will love it, if she is not using it already ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Love the lavender smell! It works for me! Iยดve recently bought a body/room lavender spray in an organic shop and now canยดt live without it… should think of getting a lavender hydrolate in small size for my travels!

    • Yeah, I also love the smell of lavender! When you get one for travels, let me know your experiences and thoughts. I simply can’t go anywhere without it!

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