The winter is here and I was questioning whether I can use alpine ski boots for ski touring?

The answer is, yes. But you have to get the right type of bindings. There are 2 types of ski touring bindings: ones with the frame into which you clip the alpine ski boots, and the other ones are called technical ones, into which you clip the boots directly and the boots must be made for those bindings (they must be turing boots).
I did this research because I have a comfy pair of alpine ski boots that I don’t use that much anymore because I got some higher-peforming ones for a bit more agressive skiing when I was skiing actively. However, the older, comfy ones, are perfect for riding powder, and I thought why not using them for the climbs as well. As it turns out, they are not perfect for ski climbing, because they have a quite high upper part, but it is possible to hike with them uphill and this set-up is enough for the hikes you may want to do.
Many companies do each of the 2 types. Here are some frame type bindings you may consider:
Author: Matic
Matic is tech startup guy who loves to spend time outside. In his free time he is an true outdoor freak – he tends to surf, run and ride a mountain bike, and in the winter time just loves powder skiing and snowboarding. Matic also loves to travel, often has to because of work, and even more often because he wants to 🙂